The bushy exacum offers a profusion of fragrant star-like flowers. Leaves are shiny, waxy and bright green. Also called Persian Violet. Available: May – October Colors: Violet, blue and white Light Exposure: Partial sun to shade
READ MOREThe bushy exacum offers a profusion of fragrant star-like flowers. Leaves are shiny, waxy and bright green. Also called Persian Violet. Available: May – October Colors: Violet, blue and white Light Exposure: Partial sun to shade
READ MOREEpidendrums are called reed stem orchids. Ground orchid with long reed like stems and small showy orchid blooms. Winter to spring bloomer. Zone 10 and up. Available: January – May Colors: Lavender, red, orange, yellow and violet Light...
READ MOREHouseplant or basket plant with pointed glossy leaves. Also used as a ground cover in all zones below 10. Available: All year Colors: Green variegated Light Exposure: Partial sun to shade
READ MORELarge growing Begonia with Angel Wing shaped leaves. Heat and humidity tolerant. Will grow in sun if kept moist. Available: All year Colors: Red and pink Light Exposure: Partial sun to shade
READ MORETwin spur are cool season realtives of snapdragons. Great accent plant in combos or hanging baskets. Available: December – April Colors: Pink, lavender and coral Light Exposure: Full and partial sun
READ MORECold tolerant annual related to carnations. Fragrant flowers when in bloom. Taller types make good cut flowers. Many are biennials that over winter well in zones 6 thru 9. Available: September – May Colors: Red, white, pink, purple and...
READ MOREAnnual with clouds of small white spurge type flowers. Great combo plant. Resembles Baby’s Breath. Available: All year Colors: White Light Exposure: Full sun to partial sun
READ MOREProduces double or semi double blooms from fall to late spring on a shrubby plant with deep green foliage. Available: January – May Colors: Red, rose, yellow, white and orange Light Exposure: Full and partial sun
READ MORECool season potted florist crop with unique giant shooting star-like flowers. Some are fragrant. Great winter bedding in zone 9. Available: January – April Colors: White, salmon, pink, red and bicolors Light exposure: Partial sun to...
READ MOREGlossy, dark green leaves and orange to salmon rose flowers in clustera. Flowers are produced on spikes held above the foliage. Butterfly attractor. Available: May – October Colors: Salmon, orange and yellow Light exposure: Partial sun to...
READ MOREProlific flowering, mound-shaped perennial blooming in late summer to early fall. Wide color range available. Available: August – November Colors: White, red, orange, lavender, purple, bronze and coral Light Exposure: Full and partial...
READ MOREAttractive annual producing plumes of red, yellow, orange, pink or rose. Heat tolerant. Also called Feather Flower. Available: All year Colors: Yellow, orange, red, rose and pink Light Exposure: Full and partial sun